Spring Sings, 2018
Parent Links
We assess each student’s musical ability, experience and maturity before finding them a home among our divisions:
Pre-Preparatory - Ages 5-6, no audition required (Learn more)
Preparatory I - ages 7 to 9
Preparatory II - ages 7 to 9
Pre-Teen I - ages 10 to 12
Pre-Teen II - ages 10 to 12
Teen - ages 13 to 18
Advanced Performing Ensembles - ages 12 to 18
All of our students get the chance to perform. All levels perform at our self-produced semester-end concerts. Our advanced performing ensembles also have the opportunity to perform at professional concerts and contracted engagements. At each level, our students progress, from the most rudimentary musical skills and vocal technique introduced in introductory levels, to the more sophisticated required for professional-level performances of complex and challenging choral music.
Students new to our program are introduced to the art of choral singing and the study of music notation. They explore differences between their speaking and singing voices, learn basic vocal technique, begin sight-reading with tonic solfege, learn to follow a printed score and sing at least one song per semester in a foreign language. As students progress, repertoire moves from unison and two-part singing to three or more voice parts, more complex rhythmic and melodic material and additional foreign languages.
Our advanced treble singers join the Junior or Concert Ensembles, while advanced tenors and basses (changed voice singers) join the Bass Ensemble. Advanced singers study and perform a wide range of diverse choral music in three to six part harmony and in many languages, including choral masterworks with orchestra. With more rehearsal time and a vigorous training program, these choristers reach the highest standards of vocal performance. They also enjoy increased opportunities for contracted performance engagements, concert tours and professional recording sessions.
Division Structure
Brooklyn Youth Chorus divisions are organized by age first, to support healthy vocal development at different stages of growth and maturity. Within these age-based divisions, students level assignments reflect a singer’s skill, experience, and commitment. Our most advanced students are invited to join one of the three performing ensembles. All students are assessed annually to determine placement for the following program year. While prior singing experience is not required, it may influence division placement.
PRE-PREPARATORY; ages 5-6, no audition required (Learn More)
In this class we will work to engage children ages 5 & 6 (Kindergarten and First Grade) in playful music and movement activities that build their awareness of musical concepts such as beat, rhythm, and tonality. These early experiential learning experiences in music lay a strong foundation for progressing within Brooklyn Youth Chorus and beyond. No audition necessary.
PREPARATORY I; ages 7 to 9
Prep Division Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, once per week, and are 60-minutes in length.
PREPARATORY II; ages 7 to 9
Prep Division Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, once per week, and are 60-minutes in length.
PRE-TEEN I; ages 10 to 12
Pre-Teen I Division Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, once per week, and are 90-minutes in length.
PRE-TEEN II; ages 10 to 12
Pre-Teen II Division Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, once per week, and are 2 hours in length.
TEEN; ages 13 to 18
Teen Division Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, once per week, and are 2 hours in length.
Junior Ensemble Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, twice per week on Mondays and Wednesdays, and are 2 hours in length.
Bass Ensemble Rehearsals are offered from early September to mid-May, twice per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and are 2 hours in length.
Concert Ensemble Rehearsals are offered from late August to late June, three times per week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and are 2 hours and 15 minutes in length.
2024-25 Training Division Rehearsal Schedules
In-person (ages 5-6) meets one day a week for 45-minutes.
Tuesdays, 3:30-4:15pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street) Class Section Full - Join the Waiting List →
Wednesdays, 3:30-4:15pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street) Class Section Full - Join the Waiting List →
Thursdays, 3:30-4:15pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Saturdays; 10:00-10:45am at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Class Section Full - Join the Waiting List →
In-person (ages 7-9) meets one day a week for 1 hour.
Saturdays; 11:15-12:15pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Class Section Full - Join the Waiting List →Mondays; 3:30-4:30pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30pm at First Presbyterian Church (124 Henry Street)
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00pm at Concord Baptist Church (833 Marcy Avenue)
Thursdays, 4:00-5:00pm at Paul’s Episcopal Church (199 Carroll Street)
Fridays, 3:30-4:30pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
In-person (ages 7-9) meets one day a week for 1 hour.
Saturdays, 12:45-1:45 pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Tuesdays, 5:45-6:45pm at First Presbyterian Church (124 Henry Street)
In-person (ages 10-12) meets one day a week for 1.5 hours. Most singers in this age division start at this level.
Saturdays; 12:30-2:00pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Wednesdays, 5:15-6:45pm at Concord Baptist Church (833 Marcy Avenue)
Thursdays, 5:15-6:45 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (199 Carroll Street)
Class Section Full - Join the Waiting List →
In-person (ages 10-12) meets one day a week for 2 hours. More experienced singers in this age division may be placed in this level following a vocal assessment.
Saturdays, 10:00-12:00 pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Mondays, 4:45-6:45pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
In-person (ages 13 and up) meets one day a week for 2 hours. All in-person rehearsal options for this division are for fully vaccinated singers.
Wednesdays, 4:45-6:45pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Fridays, 4:45-6:45pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Junior Ensemble (treble voices ages 11+)
Monday & Wednesday from 5:00-7:00pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Concert Ensemble (treble voices ages 12+)
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 5:00-7:15pm at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)
Bass Ensemble (tenors, basses, singers with changed voices, ages 12+)
Tuesday & Thursday from 5:00-7:00PM at Brooklyn Youth Chorus (179 Pacific Street)